Values of Grace Lutheran Church

Inspired by Christ:

In the person of Jesus, God became human and lived among us demonstrating the importance of being in relationship with humanity.  The cross is central to our understanding of who God is and who we are as God’s people.  On the cross, God allows us to see there is no place that God will not go to come near to us. God knows the fullness of human life including suffering, pain and death.  From the cross, God meets us in our pain and declares: “I am here. I love you.  You are my beloved. You are forgiven.”  We find unity in the midst of our diversity and are inspired to follow Jesus’ example of how to live.  

Accept Everyone:

You are invited to come as your true self, knowing that everyone else is invited to do the same. We honor and celebrate the cultural diversity of God’s creation: all races, ethnicities, all genders, all sexual orientations, all abilities, all levels of education, old, young, rich, poor, conservative, liberal, single, married, certain, doubting, hurting, thriving.  Each person brings a unique, valued and necessary perspective and voice to our community.  This allows us to learn and grow in our relationship with God and one another.  

Care Compassionately: 

We intentionally and actively care for each other, the earth and all that is in it.  We pay attention and listen to the cries of God’s creation. When it is in pain, we respond in care and faithfulness. 

Deepen Connections:

As people of faith, we recognize the importance of a strong relationship with God, knowing that it transforms our hearts, minds, and spirits, and that it inspires our love and care of our neighbors. We value not only caring for others, but really knowing and learning from each other. By building strong relationships we can deepen our faith, be transformed in our thinking, and grow as individuals and as a community.  

Empowered to Share God’s Love: 

The Holy Spirit pushes out into the world to share God’s (love) good news and follow in the footsteps of Jesus.