Food in the Desert | A Devo on Mark 6:30-44
The Narrative Lectionary reading for today is Mark 6:30-44 (This is one of the weeks where we skip many sections between weekends, so there is […]
The Narrative Lectionary reading for today is Mark 6:30-44 (This is one of the weeks where we skip many sections between weekends, so there is […]
Wednesday, May 20. Romans 10:1-21. There is one particular night in our Catechism journey that is a highlight for me. It happens during the year […]
Tuesday, May 19. Romans 9:30-33. Today’s reading happens right in the middle of a new, sub-argument that Paul is building. He’s been telling the people, […]
Wednesday, April 29. Acts 13:26-35. Why do you follow Jesus? What is it that makes Jesus so special that you would call him Lord and […]
Wednesday, April 29. Acts 13:26-35. Why do you follow Jesus? What is it that makes Jesus so special that you would call him Lord and […]
Tuesday, April 28. Acts 13:13-25. Here is an important lesson for Christians to remember. Jesus did not come to start a new religion. He was […]