The Gospel of Joseph | A Devo on Genesis 50:15-26
Today’s story: Genesis 50:15-26 We’ve been reading the story of Jacob’s sons this week and how a group of brothers sold one of their own […]
Today’s story: Genesis 50:15-26 We’ve been reading the story of Jacob’s sons this week and how a group of brothers sold one of their own […]
Tuesday, April 14. Acts 7:54-8:1. (this is a repost from the Acts study) One of the greatest killers in our world is not cancer or […]
Monday, February 23, 2015. Psalm 32:1-2. Imagine that all your sin–all the envy, bitterness, hatred, fear, gossip, selfishness–is like a heavy, stinky, nasty coat that […]
Today’s reading needs no devotional interpretation. Would you be able to take the step Joseph did? When Joseph’s brothers saw that their father was dead, […]