Summer Stretch is a middle school summer program in partnership with Zion Lutheran. Each Thursday there is a service project in the morning and a fun activity in the afternoon. Summer Stretch runs on Thursday from July 10th to August 14th.
For a week during the summer, teens have the chance to get away from real life, hang out with people from all across the Midwest, deepen friendships, and talk about God. Everyday speakers come to share inspiring and challenging stories about real life, God, and where the two intertwine. The days are packed with fun surprises of all kinds. From the music, the movies, the games, the speakers, and club – all with laughter to tears – Summer Festival Camp really has something for everybody.
High School Backpacking Trip
A week at Christikon Lutheran Bible Camp in the beautiful Montana mountains for all current 9th -12th grade students
You spend your first and last nights at the main camp. The rest of the time you are hiking through our mountain wilderness. And you find a special life together: worship and Bible study are woven together with the exhilaration of high country camping. Two trained counselors will lead our group as guides and program leaders. Christikon provides you with backpacks, tents, cooking gear, and food. You supply your own sleeping bag, hiking boots, rain gear, and clothing.