We invite women of all ages to join one (or more) of the following women’s ministries at Grace. We welcome you to a place to connect with others, a space where you can be real, a time to be encouraged, and an opportunity to grow in faith and friendships!
Women's Retreats
Each year the women of Grace go on retreat. Retreats are full of valuable advice for women of all ages that will motivate and provide tips for successful Godly living. Our goals are to grow in relationship with God and one another, have lots of fun and laugh, have tangible take-aways and spiritual truths that will inform our daily lives, and encourage a safe and encouraging environment and experience for all. For more information about retreats please email mariam@graceandover.org
W.O.W. (Women on Wednesdays)
All women are invited to W.O.W. (Women on Wednesday) as we enjoy Christian fellowship, embrace growing friendships, and engage in studying God’s word together! Come to connect more with God and with other women each week, in this fun-loving and encouraging environment!
WOW meets on Wednesdays, 9:30 – 11:15am, September to May. Childcare is provided for a small fee.
WOW follows the Anoka-Hennepin SD 11 student schedule (ex. no school, no WOW).
Ruth Circle is a women’s fellowship/study group which meets the first Monday of each month at 12:30 pm at Grace, for desert and a guided look at the monthly bible study in Gather, the ELCA women’s magazine. Twice each year the group hosts the Grace staff at a luncheon. lowjackson@aol.com">Contact Low Jackson for more information.
Grace Quilters
Join the laughter and camaraderie as we make beautiful quilts each Monday, beginning at 9 am at Grace. Quilts are donated to those in need, near and far. No experience is required, just come and join the fun and friendships! lowjackson@aol.com">Contact Low Jackson for more information.
Grace Quilters 2
Please join us as we continue creating beautiful quilts for many outreach ministries, specifically for the children in Rakai, Uganda. All are welcome. margotto@msn.com">Contact Jan Margotto for more information.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
If you enjoy knitting or crocheting, please join us as we weave prayers and comfort into shawls that will be given to people who are ill or homebound. This may be a ‘behind the scenes’ ministry yet so much compassion and mercy are shared while lasting friendships are formed. Contact: Bev Jovanovich
Girl's Night Out
Join a girl’s night out monthly at a local restaurant. Check Grace At A Glance for the next event. pascholls@comcast.net">For more information contact Gayle Pascholl.