Many of us have hectic and hurried lives. Sometimes the cares of life can feel extremely heavy. One way of releasing the burdens and better recognizing our priorities is to be intentional about spending time with our Creator in silent prayer. Centering Prayer is a prayer practice where one chooses to quiet the mind and simply be in the presence of God. If you have been curious to learn more about Centering Prayer or might benefit from support in your practice, please consider joining us this fall. We are planning to meet in person in the worship center at 7:30-8:30pm on Thursday evenings from September 23rd to November 11th. While it is not necessary to sign up, it would be helpful to know about how many people are coming. This will be a time for beginners as well as people who have been practicing for a long time. Feel free to attend as many sessions as fit your schedule and join us even if you are not able to make it to each one. Click on Register above to sign up.