Week of 8/26 to 8/30/2024

The sidewalks and portable #2 were demolished on August 28th! Today, August 29th, they are doing clean up and will begin demolishing portable #1. It has been wonderous to see everything coming together! Please spread the word of the transformation at Grace and the upcoming celebration on September 8th. And if you haven’t seen things in a couple of weeks, come in and see the transformation. – Marie Kolar
Week of 8/5 to 8/9/2024

From the outside, it appears that the construction progress has slowed down as we near the end of the project. In many respects that is the truth. Those large-scale project defining elements have been completed and in most cases occupied. However, we are now in the touch-up and cleanup phase. Smaller but no less important items are underway like fitting doors with locking features or touching up wall scars with paint. A huge add has been the delivery of furniture to fill our new space with comfortable seating arranged to promote conversation. Not to be overlooked is the last room transformation of the old preschool rest rooms into a multipurpose room supporting meetings or activities. This should be completed by the end of the month.
The exterior construction looks to be complete, structurally, but there are important pieces that will be starting soon. The portables, those temporary buildings that more or less are the root of our building project will be removed as soon as the underground gas supply is capped by CenterPoint Gas. That capping will bring on the demo of the buildings, removal of the foundations, final grading, irrigation installation and landscaping.
The large wooden structures greeting us at the older entrances and gracing our western exposure are scheduled for repainting before the end of the month.
There will be changes to the sidewalk as it abuts the soon to be paved parking lot. The accessible curb will be lengthened, and sidewalk sloped correctly to meet ADA standards.
To the east end of the garage, a new trash enclosure will be built hiding our dumpsters from the neighbors. As this is completed the parking lot will be ready to re-pave.
This transformation of our building surely has been remarkable. We now have more gathering space. A safer facility for our day care. Space for our programs. A neighborhood asset that invites other potential uses. This is no more remarkable than the transformation it has brought in me, and I am sure others. I feel so blessed to have worked with so many kind and forward-looking persons. Let’s celebrate on September 8th!
Week of 7/29 to 8/2/2024

Final inspection was scheduled for occupancy of the Pre-K rooms on Monday. Painting was complete, the restrooms were in working order, and the cabinetry looked ready for action. However, there was a little bug in the fire safety alarm system. Correction was required before the kids could use the space. By Friday all was ready for the Seedlings to occupy the following Monday. A big push Sunday afternoon restored the rooms to learning centers and the kids were safely in their permanent locations on Monday. This marked the completion of another significant milestone.
With the promise of the day care kids moving Monday and their new toilet facilities available on Friday, work began on the demolition of the old children’s restrooms. By Tuesday, the 6th, all that remained was stubs of floor piping and some wall tile. This location is the last in the building to receive a make-over. The end is getting close.
The front entry and main entry hall have been completely painted, Both the men’s and women’s restrooms have partitions installed and operable plumbing. The ceiling grid throughout the space supporting tiles and fixtures is in entirely. All the accumulated scraps and worker job boxes have been moved. It is time for the carpet to be installed! That began on Tuesday and what space we will have!
Painting of the narthex began on Friday and the promise is it will be complete by Wednesday, the 7th. It is so refreshed with the new paint. The carpet will be replaced after the painting is completed.
This week finishing efforts will assure us of the entry door operation and security enhancements to the doors. the security will include handicap operators and electronic lock release. Other finishing of this week will include a new door for the exterior of the Fellowship Hall, security doors in the kitchen hallway providing day care safety, and painting of the day care hallway from the play lot to the new day care entry hall. The security fence will be removed once patching of asphalt has been made to the new curb area.
The portables will be on their way out by the middle of next week. With those removed, the final grading will take place followed by irrigation installation and landscaping.
Week of 7/22 to 7/27/2024
Seeds of Grace is so, so close to occupying their final finished space. The pre-K restrooms and activity sinks are in and functional, the restrooms painted, and doors are in place. A little more work on the ceiling and all the components within are remaining but, by the end of next week, the kids will be moved into their final locations. This will put the Seeds of Grace facility on par with any other daycare in our area. The significant difference is those others don’t have the dedicated and committed staff that Seeds enjoys.
Behind those temporary white walls of our main hallway a lot of work has been happening. Aside from the evident main entry doors, finishes are the dominant activities. Ceramic tiling, restroom fixtures, lavatory partitions, ceilings, and copious amounts of painting have been installed. By the end of this week those temporary walls will be relocated to allow for the final painting of the narthex and on the south end, finishes to the food shelf and closets.
Irrigation and landscaping are not far behind. The fence guarding the new entrance will be going away soon and it will be time for exterior beautification.
We now have a little more time in the schedule to remove the portables. Originally there was a thought that an outside group was interested in relocating them, out of Andover. That has changed and now general demolition will be the means of removal. If you are interested in any of the contents, let the office know. Additionally, there are two mini split HVAC units within the pre-K rooms that are available.
Week of 7/15 to 7/19/2024
It has been a busy and productive week. GRAMPS has been busy painting in the Pre-k restrooms, food shelf and new reception areas. The Pre-k rooms have had air duct, insulation, ceiling grid, cabinets all installed. The new main bathrooms have had fixtures, and partitions added. Insulation, sheetrock and mudding have been completed to finish up the hallways. Concrete sidewalk for the new entrance has been poured. And a yard hydrant located by the garage was brought up as a handy location for gardens, maintenance of lawn mowers and possible car wash station for fundraising.
Week of 7/8 to 7/12/2024

The big news of the week is the rapid transformation of the restrooms, both for the pre-K room and for those in the narthex/entry area. Tiling, both walls and floor in both locations have been installed. Mud and sanding has been completed in the pre-K rooms and they are ready for paint. The current week has plumbing fixtures and portions being installed. Ceiling grid in the entry rooms has been installed. Both of these facilities are likely available by the 1st of August
The last bit of wall framing and sheetrock application has been completed in the entry and main hall. A large amount of the wall board is ready for paint. It is amazing what a large space the hallway is adding to our gathering space.
The main entrance is getting a lot more attention this week with the final doors being glazed and electrified. The sidewalk leading to this entry will be poured on Thursday. The electricians are busy installing outdoor lighting. The 1st of August is close!
Other areas within the facility that are getting attention include a continuation of the fire safety installation- both for the plumbing of the sprinklers and the electronic controls. Wireless wi-fi boosters are being installed to make any inside location well connected. Security systems are also getting attention.
Again, if you have any amount of time that you could lend to the painting effort, your services will be well received. We have had high schoolers and families engaged this week as an example of volunteers that have come forward. If you could even spare an evening, there will be surfaces to paint!
Week of 7/1 to 7/5/2024

We all hope that your observance of our 248th year of Independence was celebrated with family and friends with good food and great fireworks displays.
With the staff and daycare out of the building this past Friday, a lot of activity ensued by the contracting forces. Plumbing, fire suppression piping, duct installation, duct insulation, loud electric jackhammer demolition, taping and mud, welding, and tile installation were all busy.
Behind the white temporary walls, the finishing block work completes the last supporting beam of our widened hallway. Walls are framed for the janitor closet/laundry facility. The reception office is taped, mudded, and sanded and nearly ready for painting. One more mud application and follow-up sanding and the GRAMPS will be painting again. The painting works those industrious fellows completed earlier in the week has now been opened to wall and floor tile installation.
The revised waterman passed all its tests and is now being connected to the permanent meter, domestic services, fire suppression system, and irrigation. Once the electrical connections have been completed for the fire suppression system, the fire watch program can be lifted. At that point, we are on automatic control throughout the building.
The next week will see more painting in the pre-K restrooms followed by tile. The reception office will be ready for painting as will the widened hallway. All this painting requires additional help. If you could spare a day or two and have an interest in helping with this big task, please contact the church office and the connection will be made.
Week of 6/24 to 6/28/2024

Did you notice the comfortable temperature in the sanctuary Sunday? That transformation was possible with the completed connection of the new roof top heating/cooling plant and the ducts serving the narthex and sanctuary.
Tuesday was quiet on the construction side as the crews and the rest of us were observing the funeral of Dean Keller.
On Wednesday, the water utility contractor excavated, exposed, removed the existing, and installed a new water service line to the building. Connection to the building will follow as the plumbing to receive the new service is installed. That plumbing includes domestic water needs, fire safety and irrigation services.
Work behind the temporary walls continues and includes exterior and vestibule door installation, floor restoration, the last lintel, additional wall furring and wallboard installation, duct and duct insulation and mud and sanding of wallboard.
The pre-K rooms are moving along at an amazing pace. Walls have been framed in for the ensuing restrooms leaving them wide open for plumbing and electrical rough-ins. At the same time, ducts for heating and cooling are being installed in the ceiling. The next and likely last big move for the Seedlings will be the consolidation of the two classrooms into the Fellowship Hall. This opens both pre-K rooms for the complete connection of the heating/cooling ducts to those in both rooms to the roof top units. Finishing efforts in these rooms will include wallboard, painting, tile, flooring, and ceiling restoration.
Week of 6/17 to 6/21/2024

The big deal of the week must be the moves of the toddlers and infants to their new home. At long last, all the efforts that began in December have culminated in the occupancy of the promised spaces. The kids look good there and the facility looks good for them. Work this past week has included the installation of covers to the roof drain outlets through the sidewalk and the application of the final layer of asphalt. The door security system is close to completion.
Fresh paint and some heavy lifting have allowed David Phelps and Tracie Russell to move into their final locations. The new locations offer quieter and less distractions from the construction activities.
The sanctuary choir risers and backing wall are finished. The chairs have been arranged and the organ and piano are positioned for playing. The GRAMPS team has freshened up painted areas. The band space has been tinkered with for optimal player positioning and the resulting sound projects without being overwhelming. The music all sounds great on the You Tube broadcasts and in person.
Work behind the temporary walls progresses. The widening of the main hallway from the narthex to the fellowship hall was made by removing two sections of wall. Old underground plumbing stubs are gone. Additional framing and sheetrock are being installed. Ductwork for heating and cooling continues to be hung in place and is being insulated promptly. A new visible addition is the blue pipe running from the fire hydrant on Bunker Lake Blvd into the building. This is a temporary service line allowing for continued water service while the old is cut out and the new, with all its various fittings, is installed. The temporary line will be operational for two weeks.
The South Pre-K room has been closed and the kids moved to the Fellowship Hall allowing for the plumbing, ventilation, wall construction, and electrical for new restrooms for the Seedlings. The North Pre-K room has been shortened by a temporary wall but is still functional. That room will also see ventilation changes once the South room is complete. The work in these rooms is forecasted to take roughly 6 to 7 weeks.
Week of 6/10-6/14/2024

The big deal of the week has to be the moves of the toddlers and infants to their new home. At long last, all the efforts that began in December have culminated in the occupancy of the promised spaces. The kids look good there and the facility looks good for them.
Fresh paint and some heavy lifting have allowed David Phelps and Tracie Russell to move into their final locations. The new locations offer more quiet and lessened distractions from the construction activities.
The sanctuary choir risers and backing wall are finished. The chairs have been arranged and the organ and piano are positioned for play. The band space has been tinkered with for optimal player positioning and the resulting sound projects without being overwhelming. The music all sounds great on the You Tube broadcasts and in person.
Work behind the temporary walls progresses. The widening of the main hallway from the narthex was made by removing a section of wall. Old underground plumbing stubs are gone. The final wall removal that continues the widening will be removed this week. Additional framing and sheetrock are being installed. Ductwork for heating and cooling continues to be hung in place and is being insulated promptly. A new visible addition is the blue pipe running from the fire hydrant on Bunker Lake Blvd into the building. This is a temporary service line allowing for continued water service while the old is cut out and the new, with all its various fittings, is installed. The temporary line will likely be operational for two weeks.
The South Pre-K room has been closed and the kids moved to the Fellowship Hall allowing for the plumbing, ventilation, wall construction, and electrical for new restrooms for the Seedlings. The North Pre-K room has been shortened by a temporary wall but is still functional. That room will also see ventilation changes once the south room is complete. The work in these rooms is forecasted to take roughly 6 to 7 weeks.
Week of 6/3-6/7/2024

The big deal of the week must be the approval for Seeds of Grace to occupy the Infant and Toddler rooms. There are some details that have to be addressed yet but the kids will be moving this week. The Fellowship Hall will be transformed into a Pre-K room as we move into another phase. This next effort will be bringing restrooms and revised HVAC into the current Pre-K rooms. By the end of disruptions to Seeds of Grace, their facility will have taken on a fresh look, will have their own secured entry and will be warmer in the winter and cooler through the summer.
The Day Care drive and parking area has the first application of asphalt installed. An additional sidewalk will serve as an emergency exit route from the North end of the addition.
The temporary walls separating us parishioners from the construction are hiding a complex of activity. Old walls have disappeared making way for our enlarged entry and connection hallway from Narthex to the Office, and Fellowship Hall. A large hole was dug in the previous mechanical room to provide for the extension of the ductwork from the Sanctuary to the new heating and cooling plant now located on the roof. An incredible amount of detail and handwork has gone into these efforts.
This next week, with all the removals completed, new exterior doors will be installed in the entry. Framing will restart and walls will be sheet rocked, giving more definition to the finished spaces. The water service will be temporarily relocated opening workspace to install the final service.
Tracie Russell, David Phelps, and Christine Klersy will be moving to their new and final locations this week and next. It has been quite challenging for the whole staff and the disruptions they have faced throughout this project. For the mentioned three, they will finally move to their deserved quieter homes.
Week of 5/27-5/31/2024

The sanctuary has been completed as of Thursday, June 6. As mentioned in last week’s update, the high south windows are complete, and the coves are all installed, and the lights are functional. Additionally, the wall and choir risers that Harold Zupon built are complete. And a nice piece of work it is. He reclaimed the wood from the corner that it came from and installed it in reverence to Dean Keller, the originator of the panels.
The day care addition has been reviewed by all authorizing parties except for the State Level Fire Marshal. That visit is expected this Friday, thereby allowing the toddlers and infants to occupy the spaces. The driveway and parking areas have been victimized by the consistent rains. Hopefully, relief from the rains is on the way.
Temporary walls have been installed in the hallway that will interfere with passage between the narthex/sanctuary and the office/fellowship hall area. It is difficult to explain what is going on behind those walls as so many different facets of the remodeling are taking place behind them. The floor has been removed and a lot of dirt excavated making room for the large ducts that bring air to the sanctuary and narthex from their new connection on the roof. Old hallway walls are being removed from what had been restrooms, a janitor’s closet, and food pantry so support beams can be introduced allowing for the wider entrance and hallway. The old restrooms will likely be the most missed with both rooms closed. Follow the signage to restrooms or ask a service usher. Also, if you wish to visit the office during the week, follow the signage. We understand these measures are not ideal, but the new restrooms should be available in about a month.
Week of 5/20-5/24/2024

The sanctuary is oh so close to completion. The remainder of the wooden coves with lighting is expected to be finished this week. The two missing windows high up on the South wall will be installed this week as well. Those two pieces, when complete, will wrap up construction in the sanctuary.
The day care addition will be inspected by the fire marshal and City building inspector Wednesday, 5/29 with a Certificate of Occupancy following. A big shift in location for the infants and toddlers will follow. Parents will continue to use the current entrance until the entrance pavement has been completed and all security devices are in-place and tested.
The new entry construction zone has now been expanded to encompass the hallway expansion, the relocation of the heating and air conditioning to the rooftop unit, and the final efforts on the new restrooms. Demolition of the old air handler equipment is well underway opening up this expansion. There will be temporary walls installed in the hallway that will interfere with passage between the sanctuary and the office/fellowship hall area. Restrooms will be the most affected with the women’s room closed and the men’s repurposed into a unisex facility. Other toilet options include Portable 2 and the new facility in the day care addition. We understand these measures are not ideal, but the new restrooms should be available in about a month.
Week of 5/6-5/10/2024

The Big News of the Week – Painting. The exterior of the day care addition is sporting it’s new finished color. The sanctuary, aside from a punchlist, painting is complete.
The day care addition has the drive and parking areas defined by curb and gutter. This coming week the drive/parking area will be paved. Inside, flooring will be installed.
Cleaning of the sanctuary is continuing. A first test run of the sound quality and lighting in a service is expected this coming Wednesday.
Efforts to weatherproof the entry walls are underway with their completion allowing interior wallboard to be installed in the restrooms.
Electrical service has been continuing in the entry and into the new reception and food pantry area. The fire alarm system is being revised throughout the building, both as a code change and for the new construction.
Week of 4/29-5/3/2024

The Big News of the Week – The kitchen is fully functional! Dishwashers, refrigerators, ranges, microwaves, set-up tables, cabinets, countertops; they are all there and ready for use!
The day care addition has had the cabinetry and countertops installed, the toddler restroom completed, and duct work diffusers installed. This next week it is anticipated that the drive and parking area will move ahead, aggregate, curb and gutter and first asphalt lift, as well as the finish coating of the exterior.
The sanctuary has the mud and sanding complete. Cleaning and painting is scheduled for this next week.
The second Big Deal of the Week was the installation of the flat roof portion of the entry. This effort linked the old and new structures into a weatherproof structure.
Week of 4/22-4/26/2024

The biggest advancement on the day care addition is the completion of grading for the driveway and parking lot. Other items that were completed include the roof junction between the existing pre-K room and the new hallway of the addition and lighting throughout.
The kitchen is usable by the congregation as a staging area. The final plumbing and HVAC are expected to be wrapped up by Tuesday, April 30th. After that, move in will commence with refrigerator installation and cabinets reloaded.
The sanctuary will see the end of dust generation the week of April 29th. Painting will follow later in the week. Wood cove installation should be installed the week of May 6th with full cleanup following. Confirmation pictures will be taken in the sanctuary!
The entry has a lot of complexity with most work invisible to the casual observer. However, there is a lot of preparatory activity underway on the roof with complete waterproofing as the goal. Once the rain has past there will be a beehive of outside activity beyond roofing too.
In the next couple of weeks, we should expect the day care drive and parking, day care final exterior and the sanctuary all coming to an end. A big milestone will be a midway point in the project.
Week of 4/15-4/19/2024

The highlights and low lights of the past week included the painting efforts of the GRAMPS (highlight) and the heavy rain on Tuesday (low point).
There has not been a subcontractor within the context of this project that has been more prompt that the group of men that have volunteered to paint. A big shout-out to those individuals who have really put themselves out to keep other subcontractors on their schedule. Lead by Joe Jackson, the group includes Bill Hentges on the sprayer, taping, rolling, and brushing by Bruce Denney, Dennis Grabowski, Don Hiltner, Johnny Tillery, and Lloyd Wang.
The low point was the heavy rain inflicting interior flood conditions on the narthex and the ladies restroom. The culprit was the lack of watertight junctions between the existing roof and the new entry. The blessing of good construction weather throughout the Winter was washed away in a single downpour on Tuesday.
The kitchen is really coming close to completion with cabinets and tiled floor installed. This next week should see the installation of the remaining upper cabinets, sinks and countertops and appliances along with ceiling tiles. The week after next it should be ready for occupancy.
The day care addition is not too far behind the kitchen in completion. Finishes like cabinetry and plumbing fixtures and doors will be installed in the next two weeks. The driveway and parking area will start next week. The exterior will show its final color next week. All this activity leads to an expected completion of May 15th.
Week of 4/1-4/5/2024

If there was ever a week within this project that we could claim was transformational, this has to be the one. At least to this date. If you missed it, the sanctuary was the focus of a lot of attention. The knotty pine wall adorning the west exposure was removed, windows have been cut into the north wall, now hiding behind covered scaffolding, and each of the other block walls have some sort of new coverings from insulation to plastic sheeting to sheetrock. An amazing pace! But that’s not all; work has continued throughout the building.
The day care has windows and all the sheetrock installed and taping is underway. The kitchen has all the sheetrock installed and it is all mudded and taped. The electricians have pulled wires and the GRAMPS have painted the first coat. The entry has seen the installation of what the entrance slab will be. More framing has progressed on walls that define the restrooms. Plumbing continues throughout the same restrooms.
Work that cannot be seen from ground level has been underway on the roof. New roof top units were installed over the day care addition and the gas lines supplying them were installed.
It was a milestone week!
Week of 3/25 to 3/29/2024

The biggest snowfall of the season fell overnight causing calls for snow days in schools, including locally and for the Seeds of Grace. It also resulted in a slow down of activity on our project.
The day care addition had interior door frames grouted, completion of duct insulation, and window frames wrapped for waterproofing.Holes for heat/AC ducts were cut in the wall that separates the addition from the existing pre-K.
Efforts in the kitchen included the door frame grouting, sheet rocking of the kitchen walls, insulation of the water supply lines and additional electrical conduit runs.
Activity on the entry included the last of steel support connections made from new to the existing building. Framing of exterior walls was started.
Work was suspended during the periods of afternoon services, respecting the Holy Week.
Week of 3/18 to 3/22/2024

We did not experience significant visible changes to the building this past week. Instead it was the small things, many that will be buried in walls and ceilings that made up the bulk of the efforts.
The day care addition had door frames installed, ducts insulated, and sprinkler piping installed. Painting has been delayed by a couple of weeks while we wait for the installation of window frames.
Efforts in the kitchen included the furring of the kitchen walls, a wall installed that will separate the kitchen from a storage room and plumbing for sinks and dishwashers.
Steel in the entry area is about 85% complete. The last of the roof decking should arrive soon as should the last steel brackets need for attaching to the existing building. Posts have been installed for the roof unit enclosure. Wall framing will begin next week.
Week of 3/11 to 3/15/2024

The entry has changed dramatically this past week. First the floor slab was prepped and poured creating a mud free work platform for further efforts. Secondly, the structural steel arrived and was promptly erected. It is almost as though we have planted the flag and declared that this place is ours and we are going to make it into something big. A lot of electrical efforts have been underway this past week.
Most of it is hidden in conduits so the evidence isn’t obvious to the eye. Included is wiring for the alarm system that coordinates with the fire sprinklers and the other is wiring pulling within the sanctuary and the day care addition. The plumbers tore into the kitchen this past week and trenched routes for the drainage system. It all passed the testing and has now been backfilled. The space is ready for the floor to be restored and the wall prep to begin. Additionally, two older doors that are no longer needed were booked off, literally.
Work continues in the daycare addition with doors cut in for the entrance hallway and for the toddler access, sheetrock installation is near complete and it is expected that painting will happen next week. New appliances for the kitchen have been identified and the order is being processed. Recall that we are nearly doubling the size of the room and consequently we are adding additional equipment.
Week of 3/4 to 3/8/2024

The obvious area of work is the new front entrance. As you walked into church this past week you would have noticed the beginning of the new bathrooms. Not real obvious as it was just the underground plumbing risers that were visible, but the single element of progress on those new facilities. In the coming week that floor slab will be poured and the structural steel will be erected.
How about the brightness of the narthex and sanctuary? It is bright enough that now we can follow along with the new hymnals as we sing. More electrical activity will continue with conduits along the north and east walls. Major wall activity that will cover those conduits is scheduled to begin after Easter.
The daycare addition is progressing at a steady pace. There is a lot of activity by a number of different crafts. Walls are nearly all furred and sheet rocked. roof drains have been insulated, ducts are being installed, conduits and plumbing are in the walls and with taping of joints early next week, we can begin painting following the taping.
The kitchen is cleared of all old furnishings and of asbestos contains materials. The floor has been cut and opened for the installation of underground plumbing. it is expected that wall furring will begin next week.
There are quite a number of other construction elements that have effected different parts of the facility. They are important to the whole of the project but are more systems specific.
Week of 2/19 to 2/23/2024

The toddler/nursery addition has been a primary focus this past week. The exterior walls have been totally enclosed allowing for lots of interior efforts to progress. The roof has been sealed by the roofers. No rain will now interfere with interior progress. Interior walls have been studded allowing electrical, low voltage and plumbing installations.
Lights have been going up in the narthex! It is almost like the roof has been peeled away, there is so much more light. Dark corners have disappeared. Thanks be to God and the electricians preforming the installation.
The youngest Seedlings of Grace have been moved to their new location, Rooms 105-107! The coffee maker has been moved too; this to the narthex where it will be ready to serve. This all means that the kitchen will be stripped of its contents and the expansion begins.
Week of 2/12 to 2/16/2024

Two major events happened this past week with the first and arguably the most significant being the demolition of the former nursery. In a short period of time the roof and walls came tumbling down this past Tuesday. The speed of the act was a function of a good plan executed well.
The second big event was the pouring of the concrete floor slab in the toddler/nursery addition. There was a couple of days of delay from the original schedule but all due to weather issues. There had been some leaking in through the roof earlier in the week from light rain hat caused some water pooling and of course, the snow we woke up to on Thursday again changed the date. However, the slab was poured and with that interior efforts within will pickup considerably. This will include wall framing and more electrical and plumbing installations.
The youngest Seedlings of Grace will be moving to their new location, Rooms 105-107 next week and the kitchen will be stripped of contents making room for new improvements. The work just keeps on coming!
Week of 2/5 to 2/9/2024

This Winter has been a blessing to building construction. The temperatures have been mild and the precipitation has for the most part, been missing. Those two together have made the outdoor efforts progress at a steady rate. For one, check out the yellow addition on the Round Lake side. The yellow walls are a base layer. We’ll have a more complimentary color before too long. Work that cannot be seen from the road includes roof decking, supporting structures for the heating/ AC units, and window framing. The pace of this work is encouraging for an unimpeded completion and the relocation of the day care toddlers and infants.
This past Sunday brought sounds from the new speaker installation. A significant betterment to the quality of both the spoken word and music. But, this is not the end of sound improvements. Soon after Easter the walls will begin to show their new shape which will also have a noticeable effect to sound quality.
That rain of last Thursday? It only enhanced the backfilling of the big hole that will become the new entry. Compaction of the dirt filling needed moisture to be at its best and the rain filled that need. With access over the filled hole, the walls of the former nursery will come tumbling down this week. The roof over the same area will also be removed and steel columns and beams will be installed.
The infants presently residing in the room adjacent to the kitchen are to be moved or will have been moved as you read this. This move allows the kitchen to undergo its transformation with space nearly doubling. The floor will be cut up for installation of new drain lines that will serve two sinks and two dishwashers. That is a noticeable doubling! Congestion during a busy gathering will be diminished.
We have come a long way in two months. We have significant efforts yet to come that will continue to challenge our continuing use of the space left to us. Just as we reinforced our patience by waiting for the start of this construction last year, we need to persevere with additional patience through these coming months.
Week of 1/29 to 2/2/2024

This Winter has been a blessing to building construction. The temperatures have been mild and the precipitation has for the most part, been missing. Those two together have made the outdoor efforts progress at a steady rate. For one, check out the yellow addition on the Round Lake side. The yellow walls are a base layer. We’ll have a more complimentary color before too long. Work that cannot be seen from the road includes roof decking, supporting structures for the heating/ AC units, and window framing. The pace of this work is encouraging for an unimpeded completion and the relocation of the day care toddlers and infants.
This past Sunday brought sounds from the new speaker installation. A significant betterment to the quality of both the spoken word and music. But, this is not the end of sound improvements. Soon after Easter the walls will begin to show their new shape which will also have a noticeable effect to sound quality.
That rain of last Thursday? It only enhanced the backfilling of the big hole that will become the new entry. Compaction of the dirt filling needed moisture to be at its best and the rain filled that need. With access over the filled hole, the walls of the former nursery will come tumbling down this week. The roof over the same area will also be removed and steel columns and beams will be installed.
The infants presently residing in the room adjacent to the kitchen are to be moved or will have been moved as you read this. This move allows the kitchen to undergo its transformation with space nearly doubling. The floor will be cut up for installation of new drain lines that will serve two sinks and two dishwashers. That is a noticeable doubling! Congestion during a busy gathering will be diminished.
We have come a long way in two months. We have significant efforts yet to come that will continue to challenge our continuing use of the space left to us. Just as we reinforced our patience by waiting for the start of this construction last year, we need to persevere with additional patience through these coming months.
By now when you visit Grace you will be surrounded by evidence of the construction happening inside and out. The chain link fence surrounding the area that will be our new front entry keeps the curious out of the hole that holds the foundation elements of that new entry. If you walk the hallway from the narthex to the bathrooms, take a peak through the window into what had been the nursery. It is littered with holes where doors and walls had been or the ceiling removed; all in support for the next week of activity in the space- complete demolition including exterior walls and roof sections.
The sanctuary hasn’t escaped attention either. The obvious is the addition of shiny electrical conduits running along the south wall. These will be carrying wiring for the new speakers which will be hanging inlace by the end of next week
The most advanced effort of work is on the west side of the building. The new toddler/infant room is being framed in with some of the wall sheeting in-place. The unseen efforts that let that work progress are new roof drains and roofing that will tie into the toddler/ infant room.
This past Friday the last effort came into place that will allow for the transfer of the infants of Seeds of Grace to relocate to rooms 107-105. The sprinkler/alarm system was tested following a physical inspection of the rooms by the fire marshal. The kitchen is being emptied and by February 15 the contractor will be in there prepping the space for expansion and remodeling.
The patience by the staff and all that use the facility has been tested and so far we have worked through the disruptions quite well. Pray for the continuance of this grace.
Week of 1/22-1/26/2024

There is no turning back now! Excavation for footings on our new front entrance happened on Monday followed by forming and pouring concrete for footings. There will be persistent activity in this area for the next several months.
Interior demolition continues in the old nursery/crib room which will become part of the new entry and the reception area. Additional footers for columns will be excavated within the nursery area necessitating exterior wall and roof removal.
The next big relocation is underway with the emptying of rooms 105 and 107 and the removal of cabinet contents in the kitchen. The youngest Seedlings, those in the infant care area will be moved to the 105-107 rooms. The kitchen which expands into the the present infant area, will be more or less out of service for renovation and enlargement for a couple of months. The day care has made arrangements for alternative food service for the kiddies during this time.
It is a lot of disruption but all affected have graciously accepted the temporary inconvenience for the eventual improvements.
Week of 1/15 to 1/19/2024
This past week witnessed the second biggest milestone since the beginning of the building project- the relocation of the gas main service. This allows construction to begin on the new entrance, restrooms and hallway expansion. But first things first. Work will begin Monday on the excavation of wall footings and column footings. Which has a host of activities following that digging.
Additionally, demolition began on the old nursery/crib room intending to create space for the entry area. This activity is quite disruptive from the noise and dust generated. temporary portion walls will be installed to separate the construction from the general use of our facility.
The former occupants of the nursery, the toddlers of Seeds of Grace, are now in their new temporary quarters within the Fellowship Hall. By all appearances, this is a great match as the youngsters have a quiet space, a learning space and lots of space to play. Their next move, a few months out, will be to their new space on the west side of our building.
Week of 1/8 to 1/12/2024
This week was a period of many relocations. In preparation for the beginning of work for the new front entrance, the mechanical room located presently in the future bathrooms had to be cleared of stored items. A new gas service has to be routed from the newly relocated gas meter and into the aforementioned mechanical room. Before that connection can be made, the toddlers of Seeds of Grace, Seedlings, have to be relocated into the Fellowship Hall. The Fellowship Hall has to be cleared of tables and chairs to allow the toddlers their space. Those youngsters will occupy the Hall until their new space is available in May. On the west side of the building, the new nursery/toddler space, the adjoining hallway was cleared for steel installation, plumbing extensions, and electrical activities. If you see boxes where they have never been before, you will have a good idea of the space crunch we are experiencing.
In the next week the new gas service will be completed and activated. The young Seedlings will be relocated from their comfortable Toddler/nursery area to the Fellowship Hall. Plumbing serving the new toddler room will get underway. Electrical conduits will be installed through existing ceilings.
Week of 1/1 to 1/5/2024
There were only 3 working days this week as a consequence of the New Year holiday and the Thursday funeral of Major Jeff Hoernemann, USAF. However, during the time that was available, crews waterproofed and insulated the below grade block walls of the nursery/toddler addition and followed that with backfilling the same walls. Electrical and plumbing efforts have begun with conduit and water service piping scheduled to be installed above the ceiling.
Work will continue on the nursery/toddler addition next week and it is anticipated that the long-awaited gas meter relocation may be scheduled thereby opening the next area of work, the new entrance and bathrooms.
Week of 12/25 to 12/29/2023

12/25 Christmas Day
12/26 Lots of rain over the past few days. There was no pooled water in the excavation.
Masonry materials were delivered and spotted in work zone. Beyond the construction,
two U-Haul truckloads of like new office furnishings were brought in from the closed
Prudential building and placed in the church proper and Portable 1.
12/27 Masonry block was installed on the footings.
12/28 Complete block work on footings and grade beams poured.
12/29 Frosty morning. Demolition work on the north and west roof edges exposing existing block and allowing for layup of new parapet. The west exposure when revealed did not have 8” block as drawings depicted. Resolution to follow. Both new parapet and
demo’d west wall were covered and protected for the long weekend.
Week of 12/18 to 12/22/2023

12/18 The first day of significant work, excavation on the Nursery expansion on the west side of the building. However, the previous week saw three crabapple trees cleared from the east side of the facility. During excavation an unmarked communication line was unearthed. There was no service loss to phones, so it was determined the lines were associated with the irrigation system.
12/19 A quiet day on-site except for the electrician and plumber working to develop service for the west side nursery expansion.
12/20 Frost on the sub grade. The sun will take care of that, and blankets will be covering for overnight. Footings to be formed and rebar placed.
12/21 Footings and grade beams poured. Insulating blankets installed.
12/22 Misty morning followed by increasing rain through the day. Forms were stripped and the footing protected with blankets for the long weekend. Early departure due to rain.
Week of 12/11 to 12/25/2023

We have BEGUN! The hole for the new Seeds of Grace classrooms has been dug! Trees have been removed and lines have been marked! It is starting!