Creating and Calming a Storm | A Devo on Mark 6:30-8:26
Today I would like to explain this image. I used it for the previous Devo that focused specifically on the story when Jesus fed the […]
Today I would like to explain this image. I used it for the previous Devo that focused specifically on the story when Jesus fed the […]
The Narrative Lectionary reading for today is Mark 6:30-44 (This is one of the weeks where we skip many sections between weekends, so there is […] Happy New Year Devo Readers! I am very pleased to announce that we will read through the Gospel of Mark this season. Here’s my […]
Today’s story: Genesis 50:15-26 We’ve been reading the story of Jacob’s sons this week and how a group of brothers sold one of their own […]
Today’s Story: Genesis 32:3-21. Have you ever had one of those moments when you are in a store, you are ready to go through the […]
Today’s story: Genesis 28:10-22 The lying, cheating Jacob is running for his life. He just stole his brother’s blessing and is trying to save his […]