Grace's Blog 2024

May 9, 2024

A Thank you from Kris Miller

Thank you, thank you! Words cannot express my gratitude to everyone who helped me celebrate my retirement on Sunday, April 28th at Grace. It was such a special day for me and my family, thanks to all of you. Thank you to the team who planned and planned to make this happen, and then had to switch gears due to construction. Thanks to Nancy Jenkins, Sue Melody, Judi Wold, Anne Marie Johnson, Sally McPhillips and Susie Wells. Thank you also to Angie Hanson for the video, and everyone else who helped in so many ways to make this day so special for me. Thanks to our staff, past and present, who have loved, cared for and supported me through many changes, and in good times and bad. Thanks to all of my friends and volunteers who have been a constant in my life here at Grace. I am so blessed!

Thank you so, so much to all who gave monetary gifts in my honor. I am overwhelmed by your generosity. We plan to use the money towards upgrading the heat at our cabin. More blessings!

It has been my pleasure and honor to be a part of this staff for so many years. I am so thankful for the love and support I have always received from this wonderful Grace congregation and am so thankful to be a part of this ministry. This isn’t goodbye, Grace will always be our church home.


Kris Miller

May 2, 2024

Elections and Prayers

Starting this evening, a small group of us are going to our Synod Assembly, which is our annual church conference. At this 3-day meeting, we will be electing a new Bishop through an ecclesiastical ballot. You might be wondering, “what in the world does that mean?” It means that we take seriously the work of the Spirit. There have been 10 people nominated for this position and tonight we will cast our first ballot. Each round the nominees will have an opportunity to present, share about themselves, and their vision. After which we will pray and vote. I go into this election not knowing who I plan to vote for. I have people I definitely like, but I am trusting in the Spirit to guide me and our entire group in finding the best next bishop.

It’s unfortunate that more elections aren’t like this. Steeped in prayer with an openness to listen. We come in with candidates and parties alignments and preconceived notions of who is right. But might we do this different, if we really listened and allowed prayer to guide us.

On Sunday, we will be voting on our next Vision Member Candidates. Once again, we have an incredible pool of willing and gifted leaders. I would be excited to have any of them join our team. I hope that as you read through their bios that you pray about who God is leading us to have on Vision Board. Our Nominating Team does a great job of considering diversity of voices, experiences and participation in the life of Grace. Bringing candidates that go to different worship services and are differing age ranges and both new and old to Grace Lutheran. It is this diversity of voices that strengthens us as a church and helps us continue to think beyond what we are currently doing and look to the future with vision and excitement. I invite you to pray for our nominees, and please come and vote on Sunday. Please remain open to the Spirit that God might lead us and our church through our Vision Board and of course, through all of you!


Pastor Joanna Mitchell

April 25, 2024

Celebrating through the Mess

Yesterday, I lamented that we hadn’t anticipated for Kris Miller’s retirement celebration Sunday to happen while we worshipped in the fellowship hall. The person I was talking to responded: “this is how things go at Grace and Kris Miller knows it.” I had to smile, yes of course she does. That’s what makes it so hard because I would love for once there not to be chaos and just celebration. But then I forget that’s never how it is. The Gospel always has tension; there is always chaos and confusion, even a mess and yet God shows up and lights the way. God brings peace, and love and shows us a new way. So of course this is how it will go. It’s actually where God works best, in the mess.

That being said, we could use your help this Sunday. We are still in the Fellowship Hall and probably will be until mid-May. There is too much dust and disorder in the sanctuary. The pews are not even bolted down on the sides. We hope to have a big crowd this Sunday to celebrate Kris. When you arrive, if you are able to move down the rows toward the exterior walls of the fellowship hall that would help us make room for everyone. We will have about 10 choir chairs with arms, these are brought in for anyone who needs a little more help getting up and down. Please reserve chairs with arms for our seniors and people who cannot stand as long or are not as mobile. And finally, please be patient. Our fellowship area is now a hallway. We have had a party team who has worked hard for this event and have planned so well. If you need to leave after worship, please feel free to take care of yourself and your plans, and also, leave space for others to get through and do what they need to do. I know you all know this, but it is just a gentle reminder because there is a lot happening this weekend. There is a lot happening at Grace and so I hope we can move with grace for each other and love in the midst of the mess.

Photo above is our Senior “Choir” presenting a gift to Kris in thanksgiving for her ministry and her love and care.


Pastor Joanna Mitchell

April 18, 2024

Construction and Dust and Rain, Oh My!

Yesterday was a long, hard day at Grace Lutheran. After last Sunday’s worship in the sanctuary with the drywall dust all over, our staff made the decision to move our Wednesday and Sunday worship to the Fellowship Hall for a while. The dust in the air and all over the sanctuary is making it hard to breath, let alone sing and preach in there. For the safety of all of you and our staff, worshipping in the Fellowship Hall feels like the best option. But as you know our Fellowship Hall is currently our Nursery and our Toddler Room and so we were busy strategizing for how to do this. Nothing is as simple as I hope it will be. I am so thankful for the flexibility of my team and all of our volunteers who help out in SO MANY WAYS! Then of course came the rain, which was a lot, but made even worse with literal holes in our roof over our women’s bathroom and mechanical room. Our site manager, Eric worked hard to remedy the problem, and many offered to help as well. I am grateful. The good news is all of the areas affected by the rain are going away with our new construction and so while yes, our carpet got wet in the hallway, it will be replaced. It will be fine. For now, it has just been a little more challenging.

I am so thankful for your continued flexibility, your support, and for all the hard work that everyone is doing to get us through this project. You all are amazing. Thank you! I know worshipping in the Fellowship Hall is not ideal, and yet, it will be fine. We can do hard things, and this too shall pass.


Pastor Joanna Mitchell

April 11, 2024

It’s time to celebrate!

I have mixed feelings as I write these words, but I do think it’s true. On April 28th, we are celebrating Kris Miller’s retirement. She will still be working at Grace till the end of May, but we wanted a day that was all about Kris.

I don’t have to tell you how extraordinary Kris is; you all have your own stories. You have experienced her pastoral care, compassion, her attention to detail. She knows you and she loves you all. I know this because every time someone moves away or finds another church, Kris mourns. Every time someone from Grace is going through a difficulty, she worries, checks in and prays. She believes in the ministry of Grace and she lives it out. I could go on and on. And I probably will on April 28th.

For now, I want to give you an opportunity to say thank you to Kris. Come join us for worship. Following each service we will have a reception time. Also, we are inviting people who would like to contribute money to a gift for Kris. Kris and Doug bought a cabin a few years ago and I know they have things they would like for cabin life. If you would like to make a donation to this fund, please mark your check: Kris Miller’s gift, or give through miscellaneous on realm and in the memo indicate Kris Miller’s gift.

Click here to access realm.

Please join us for this important day. If there was ever anyone worth celebrating at Grace it is our beloved Kris Miller!


Pastor Joanna Mitchell

April 3, 2024

When The Unimaginable Has Happened

This week began with construction beginning in our sanctuary. Plastic covers our organ and other equipment to keep it safe from construction dust. There are carpet covers to protect our carpet from the work that is happening. The altar wall is no longer wood panels but bare sheetrock. All this change is exciting and will help us transform into who God is calling us to be. It is also a lot to take in, especially to a place where many of you have celebrated and grieved, life milestones have been experienced in this sanctuary: weddings, funerals, baptisms, and confirmations, Christmases and Easters and every ordinary day in between. This week we are also beginning our new worship series Unraveled | Seeking God When Our Plans Fall Apart. We will begin with the story post resurrection of Thomas.


The week’s title is “When the Unimaginable Has Happened.” Below is artist Lauren Wright Pittman’s depiction of “Grieving Thomas.”

I am excited to share the Gospel this weekend in worship in a sanctuary that is fully under construction. It will change how we hear this story that we have heard before. And as we continue to worship and live out our faith together in these walls and beyond them, I pray that God will come more clearly into focus for us, no matter how our surroundings may appear.

Thank you for continuing to hold us in Grace.

See you soon.

Pastor Maria Markman

March 27, 2024


This week is Holy Week, the week where we remember and travel with Jesus, to the last supper with his friends and followers, to the garden to pray, and where he will also be betrayed. We will journey with Jesus through his arrest, trial, and his death on the cross. We will also celebrate the joy of the resurrection. We will do this here at Grace Lutheran Church and Christians around the globe will celebrate as well. Here is a message from the ELCA’s Presiding Bishop, Elizabeth Eaton. 

Please join us for our services this week. And if you know of anyone searching for a place to be this Easter, invite them to worship with us!

-Pastor Maria and Pastor Joanna

March 20, 2024

Friends of Grace,

I wanted to share a couple of exciting staffing updates today. First, we are delighted to welcome Holly Dodds to our staff as our new part-time bookkeeper. Holly’s background is in audiology, but she has always done bookkeeping on the side. She has been helping out in the office since Marie fell. We are thrilled to have her on our team. You will probably recognize Holly from her leadership on our praise team and our vision board. Welcome to our staff, Holly!

Marie Kolar has been cleared to work part-time from home. She is planning on returning to the office beginning next week. Marie is transitioning from her position as bookkeeper and communication director, to focus primarily on communication and also volunteer coordination. We are so glad that Marie is making a good recovery.

We continue to look for a new administrative assistant. If you know of anyone who has good organizational skills as well as a compassionate heart and a love of people, please send them our way.

I hope you will join me in welcoming Holly to the Grace Staff and welcoming Marie back. It’s been great to see her back in worship. Continued prayers for healing would be wonderful.


Pastor Joanna Mitchell


March 13, 2024

Friends of Grace,

My wedding anniversary is this weekend. Jeff and I will have been married 23 years (photo below, before we were married). I know this pales in comparison to those of you who have been married for 50 or 60 years. As I think about how we have transformed over time, I give thanks. Our partnership has morphed. There was a time that I made dinner, now he does. There was a time when he commuted, now I do. There was a time when kids dominated our lives, now they check in with us now and then (well, it’s more than that, but the intensity has definitely changed).

I recognize that I have been given many partners in my life. I am so thankful. I am thankful to have Pastor Maria as a partner in ministry. Our relationship has changed throughout time too- I was once her pastor (photo above of Maria and me in Faribault, we are the ones on the right.) and now we are colleagues. I also have wonderful friends who have been spiritual partners or swimming partners. I have had running and walking partners. It’s too bad in some ways that we really only celebrate anniversaries of things like marriage, because these partnerships are very important.

God is clear that partnership and companionship are essential to our well-being. In Genesis 2:18 states: “It is not good for the human one to be alone, I will make him a helper as a partner.” Of course, we often go on to seeing this passage as a description for marriage, and yet, it is clear, that God is about relationship. God is after all, a relationship onto themselves as the Trinity: Creator, Son and Holy Spirit. God gives people partners to live with, learn from, and grow alongside. Ruth had Naomi, Paul had Silas and Timothy, Jesus had the disciples. Who are the partners that you give thanks for today? How have they helped you learn and grow in faith and life? How can you celebrate them and the partnership you share.


Pastor Joanna Mitchell

March 3, 2024

Friends of Grace,

I am currently watching the show Lesson’s in Chemistry. The main character, Elizabeth is told after giving birth to name her daughter how she feels, to which she responds “Mad.” Luckily the name Mad can easily be morphed into Maddie, or Madeline, and so the little girl’s whole life is not defined by this negative emotion. In truth, while Elizabeth was indeed mad at life and its circumstances in this moment the truth is she was also grieving deeply.

I’ve been listening to a podcast on the prophets. Richard Rohr states that prophets go through a cycle of learning in their ministry. They start with anger, and then will transition to sadness and in the end find love and solidarity. He points out that sadness is often disguised as anger. But one of the things we like about anger is that we stay above it, where in sadness we have to encounter it.

The world is noisy often times with cries of anger. We are angry about injustice, angry about politics, angry about war, angry about violence in public spaces and rightly so. But deep down, I think anger masks the truth of how sad we are. It’s a good reminder to me that Jesus didn’t just throw over tables in the temple, but wept over the city of Jerusalem. Jesus was indeed upset about the power systems and wanted to change them and so he, like the prophets and hopefully us, transformed from being anger to being sad and found his way to love.

As we move closer to the cross and Holy Week (it’s at the end of this month). I invite you to contemplate what are you angry about. What is making you mad? What is the sadness and broken-heartedness behind this feeling and how is God transforming you through these feelings to be more loving and more compassionate using your faith for the sake of the world.


Pastor Joanna Mitchell

February 28, 2024

Friends of Grace,

As part of my yearlong participation in the living school, I have been spending this week reading one passage of scripture and reflecting on it (Lectio Divina). I have been reading Luke 15, which could be entitled: Parables of the Lost- you know lost sheep, lost coins, lost sons. Click here to read Luke 15. Below you will find one of my reflections and prayers. I have been wondering about the math of this passage. Jesus demonstrates that it doesn’t matter if it’s 1/100, 1/10, or 1/2- the ratio doesn’t matter when it comes to God’s love and grace. Sometimes we might find ourselves in the majority, other times we are the one. Too often we find ourselves divided. Perhaps there is another way. I believe this to be true.


A Reflection on Luke 15: Division

Divide it- the son asked. Divide your property. Divide your love. Divide your attention. 

We want to be divided don’t we? We ask for it. Divide us! Divide it. Divide. Our world is divided into lost and found. 

We want ratios that affirm that we are in the majority. We belong. We have done it right. After all, we didn’t wander off. We didn’t fall between the cracks. We didn’t leave and squander anything. 

We stayed.

It was the lost one that made us divided. Not us. We were once complete at 100 until you made us 99 to 1. 9 to 1 and 2 to 1. You asked. It happened. And now we blame.

And yet, the division doesn’t matter. Who asked? Who divided? Who blamed? Our desire to come home is more important than previous requests. In the end, God will work to make us whole. A whole herd. A whole family. A whole person. A whole community. Not divided at all. Not divided anymore. 

The party is for all. All are invited. All welcomed. God’s arms are open. Welcome home. Rejoice, celebrate the end to division.

God, you remind us, that it doesn’t matter if we have wandered off and lost are way, or stayed by your side, we are invited to listen, to learn, to love. Help us to do this without division but in unity, peace and in wholeness. Recognizing the belovedness of one another. Amen  

Pastor Joanna Mitchell

February 21, 2024

Friends of Grace,

Sunday, February 11th, I was able to preach my first international sermon while on mission trip in Belize. I mentioned to the congregation of Grace mission trippers and the Assemblies of God congregation in Maya Mopan that although I was excited for this opportunity, I was also nervous! I had never preached outside of the US and I had never preached outside of a Lutheran Congregation. But it was my hope that through our work together that week and through our time spent in worship that we might – in the end- call each other friend!


This is true of both communities we serve in Belize. After just two years back to back in the same communities, relationships have grown and change is happening in Georgetown and Maya Mopan! My take aways from this trip are that if you are feeling any nudge (however big or small) to go on a mission trip, GO to Belize with Grace. There is something for everyone to do and such a wonderful experience of service and spiritual growth! The other take away is that even if you do not go to Belize, Grace as a congregation supports the projects we are doing in Belize, financially.

The two communities we serve are English speaking, poor and rural villages (shown circled in red on the map). But they are also vibrant and the people there are committed to improving and strengthening their communities but do not have the financial means to make it happen. This is where Grace has made a difference. We provided funding for continued work on the Georgetown clinic and began imagining with community leaders about starting conversations about Alcoholism and Mental Health. In Maya Mopan, we provided funding for a community shade structure in the school yard where children and community members can gather in the cool shade on hot Belizean days. Now when we are there, we work side by side with community members. And to be honest, the let us help even though at times it seems we are slowing them down! It was truly a wonder to see the folks in Maya Mopan pour concrete from wheelbarrows. Through our work, side by side, and through Grace’s Transforming Inside and Out Tithe, we are making a difference in many lives in Belize! And as is always true on mission trips our lives are forever changed as well! I hope you enjoy these pictures from our trip. Grace 2 Belize will be sharing in worship on March 3rd and if you have more questions, I would love to talk with you as would any number of folks from our team!

Hope you’ll join us next time!

Pastor Maria

February 14, 2024

Ash Wednesday

Friends of Grace,

This Wednesday we kick off the season of Lent with our Ash Wednesday Worship. We hope you will join us for this time of worship and reflection. We have Worship at both 1pm and 7pm which includes the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion.

Wednesday Night is our last pizza evening for a long time. Our kitchen is scheduled to go under construction starting on Thursday. We hope that you will join us for a time of food and fellowship. Pizza will be served beginning at 5:15pm, but we will have a second pizza order arriving at 6pm for anyone who wants to come later. The fellowship hall will be set up for you to enjoy a time of fellowship. The pizza is free. Please come and enjoy!

One of my favorite prayers is the prayer of Unknowing by Thomas Merton. I return to it again and again. It reminds me that our attempt to follow God is enough and that we don’t have to worry about doing it right, but trusting in God’s presence to lead the way. I hope that as we enter this time of Lent that these words speak to you too.

My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me.

I cannot know for certain where it will end. nor do I really know myself,

and the fact that I think I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so.

But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you.

And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it.

Therefore will I trust you always though

I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death.

I will not fear, for you are ever with me,

and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.

 Copyright © 1956, 1958 by The Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani. Used by permission of Farrar Straus Giroux.

Blessings, Pastor Joanna Mitchell

February 8, 2024

Holding Down The Fort

Friends of Grace,

It’s been an interesting week at Grace Lutheran. Pastor Maria left Tuesday early in the morning for Belize (they all arrived safely!). Marie Kolar is out on medical leave since she slipped on the ice, and Tracie Russell, our church administrator had her appendix removed. David’s been away for a learning workshop in the afternoons and I am scheduled for my first colonoscopy on Friday so I will be out of the office on Thursday.

On the one hand, we are down to bare bones staff, on the other hand, it has been quiet enough for Kris Miller to turn on the radio for background noise (truthfully the construction project is providing plenty of noise, but the music is nice).

This isn’t the first time we have had a minimal staff here at Grace. In fact, if I have learned anything in my time here, it is not to panic, God will provide. And God has. We’ve had extra volunteers come in to help out, and because it’s been quiet enough, rooms are being packed up in preparation for our kitchen remodel. Others have called and asked “what can I do?”. Many have prayed for us as well.

I have an amazing staff. They work so hard and give so much of themselves. My hope and prayer is that everyone can take the time they need to rest and recuperate. If you notice we are a little slower at responding than usual please know we are busy holding down the fort (clearly (see photo above), and have faith that God will see us through. Please join me in praying for Tracie’s recovery and her family, for Marie’s recovery and her family, for safe travels for Pastor Marie and a good results from my procedure on Friday. It’s going to be a load of fun (haha).


Pastor Joanna

February 1, 2024

Friends of Grace,

Transitions continue to happen at Grace especially because of our building project. We are so thankful for all the support people have given and the flexibility as spaces change.

I wanted to ask for your prayers for our communication specialist/bookkeeper Marie Kolar, who fell last week on the ice. Unfortunately, Marie had a bone in her back burst. We are praying for her pain relief, fast and effective recovery, for her husband Dave and whole family as they navigate physical therapy and everything else that goes along with a back injury. Because of the injury Marie will also be out of the office for a while. We are anticipating 4-6 weeks, but still not certain and it will all depend on how her recovery goes. In the meantime, any financial questions should go to Tracie Russell, our church administrator. 

You will also notice below that we are posting for two positions, a bookkeeper, and an administrative assistant.  Even before Marie was hurt, we had planned to post the bookkeeper position. This is because the rumors are true, our beloved Kris Miller will be retiring at the end of May. In an effort to fill Kris’s position and start training, we have been reorganizing our team and Marie will be taking over some of Kris’s job, including volunteer coordination and organization and stepping down from her bookkeeper job. However, while we had planned to wait a little longer for an administrative assistant, given everything going on we decided to post both jobs at this time. We recognize this will give us time to find the right person as well as have adequate time for Kris to share her wisdom.


Kris Miller will have worked at Grace for 28 years in June. She is beloved by our staff and our congregation. She is also ready to enjoy more time at the cabin and with her grandkids and husband. We will miss her greatly; however she assures me she’s not going to disappear. Thanks be to God. We will be celebrating Kris the last Sunday in April, and our currently organizing a team to plan this event. Nancy Jenkins has volunteered to head up this extravaganza. If you are willing or wanting to be a part of this team, please contact Nancy at 

Please hold our staff in prayer during this time of transition and especially pray for the healing of Marie. If you have any questions, please reach out. 


Pastor Joanna Mitchell


January 24, 2024

Voting Members for Synod Assembly

Our congregational meeting that happens on February 4th has two main components. First is voting on our 2024 budget, a very important part of our life together. The second is to elect voting members for our Synod Assembly. More details are provided below.

The Synod Assembly is where we do the work of the greater church. If you have ever been curious about what is happening with other Lutheran Church in our area, this is a great time to connect with other Lutherans and also to learn. But more importantly this year is a bishops election. A bishop’s election only happens every 6 years. Since our Bishop Ann Svennugsen has just completed her second term, we will be electing a new bishop. It is an exciting time to be the church and to be a part of the wider church body.

In February, we will gather at Conference assemblies (see below for details) where nominations can be put forth. After this event, nominees have a chance to withdraw their names, or go forward. Then we will have the opportunity to meet nominees and hear their hopes and dreams for the church moving forward.

Finally, in May we will gather and together we will worship, and pray and vote for a new Bishop for our synod. It usually takes a few ballots, lots of good discussion and is a great opportunity to get involved.

Both Pastor Maria and I will be in attendance. We also get to bring 3 adult voting members and 1 youth voting member. If you are interested in attending, please contact me as soon as you can. We do need to have names as soon as possible.


Pastor Joanna Mitchell

January 18, 2024

Financials, Budgets, Oh My! And a Story of Grace

We started 2023 with a stretch budget. We knew that our budgeted income might be a high and yet, we moved forward in faith, trusting in God’s abundance and generosity to lead the way. 2023 was our first year, since the pandemic without a governmental grant supplementing our income. Nevertheless, we ended the year strong and we are so, so grateful. Because of the mindful stewardship of our staff, our expenses stayed low. Because of your generosity and support, our income was steady. We were able to put additional money into capital savings for our building project, as well as fulfill our benevolence promises. Thank you!

Last night at our Vision Board meeting, the Board approved the 2024 budget that we will vote on at the Congregational meeting on February 4th. If your eyes glaze over at the thought of a budget, you are not alone. The good news is we have a terrific financial team who has worked and looked over all the components of the budget as well as the faithful work of our church administrator, Tracie Russell. I want you to know that we welcome your questions on the budget.

I will confess that at times, I worry. I spend time looking at numbers and the amount of money we have, and also at the expenses of running a vibrant church like Grace along with the building project. There are times that I get overwhelmed. But over and over again, I have learned to trust in God’s provision. God has given us the right people to lead this church both on staff and on our Vision Board and in other significant positions. God continues to inspire, and generously provide. Thank you for the love, support, faithfulness and generosity that you provide at Grace, it has made a difference and allowed the important work of Grace to happen.

One quick story before I conclude: I was able recently to give a financial gift to a young person who has had a hard life and was struggling financially. She kept hugging and crying as I gave her the check telling me that this is the first time that she has felt cared for like this. She has never experienced compassion and people willing to give and help. I repeatedly told that I was just the messenger, that it is the people of Grace who made this possible. She stated: I’ve never been in a place like this. This my friends is the glimpse of God’s kingdom coming to light in our world, generous love that allows God’s light and God’s provision to come through. Thanks be to God, it is always about more than numbers. It is about faithfulness and love transforming hearts, and lives.


Pastor Joanna Mitchell

January 11, 2024


Things are moving at Grace Lutheran Church. Construction is underway, our programming is up and running once again after winter break, and every day I walk into the building and I am informed of a next step in construction. This next step usually means that we need to move things- clear out the mechnanical room, get ready for our toddler room and nursery to be no longer accessible. As much as it’s a bit of a pain, I will confess that I kind of like it. It’s a little bit like solving a daily puzzle. Where can we put this stuff, what can be thrown away. It has definitely forced us to clean house and prioritize.

In many ways, I think opportunities like this are good for the soul and also for someone’s environment. Just yesterday we found multiple “bad remotes” from 2012. They haven’t been touched or used in over 10 years, it’s time to throw them out. I wonder, how often we take the time to look into the dark places of our life, be it our real closets or basements, or the forgotten places in our soul. what might we clean out in order to start fresh and new. Are there things that you have been holding onto too long that are bad for you? Could you let them go, lighten your load a little bit, and give space for something new?

I do ask for your patience and flexibility as we move forward. We are losing some of our large group spaces in the near future as the daycare spaces are taken away. Remember this is all temporary and the end result is that we will have better space in the future. In the meantime, I give thanks for all who have helped move and discard old items, as well as everyone who has had to find new ways to share and use the space here at Grace. Thanks for moving into the future with us!


Pastor Joanna Mitchell

January 4, 2024

It Takes A Village

It has been a busy week at Grace Lutheran Church. Not only have we just finished the Christmas Season and are in the process of putting everything away, but we are hosting the funeral for Major Jeffrey Hoernemann today. It is such a tragic loss and a privilege to be able to provide care and hospitality to his family and friends. It is also a big undertaking especially now that our building project is underway.

And yet, I am so moved by the people who keep showing up. The hard work of our volunteers and our staff is remarkable. People of all ages have helped from rolling silverware, to taking down trees, to setting up tables, to providing bars and being willing to usher or help in the parking lot. I am so grateful for all of the people who have given time; sharing both their problem solving skills along with muscle power to get ready for today.

When I think about what the church looks like in it’s best moments- it is this: working alongside one another in faith and love; holding each other in comfort and compassion, all the while reminding one another of God’s promises and God’s presence.

Thank you for being church together. It truly takes a village for this community to do the work God has called and invited us to do!


Pastor Joanna Mitchell