Today as I prayed, I remembered sitting with my mom in the dark last February. While we had potential to let the light in, something I am inclined to do, my mom couldn’t bear to have the curtains open. And even though, I tried to just be within ear shot of her bedroom to do yoga or work, the reality was my mom didn’t want me that far away. She wanted me with her in the dark. And so that is where I sat. We took turns actually, my sister, dad and I, sitting in the dark with mom. She didn’t want much, just our presence, just to know we were there.
I think this is true for me too. It is comforting to have my dog nuzzle her head at me in the dark, or to hear Jeff breathing beside me when I can’t sleep. But really, I know my desire for someone to be with me in the dark goes beyond the literal darkness, but the darkness of grief, the darkness of depression and anxiety, and the darkness of tragedy in the world.
This is what God does for us. Sits with us in the dark. Through it all, God’s presence doesn’t just bring light, but it brings comfort, peace and promise in those moments of darkness and pain. On the one hand, the days are growing longer and the nights shorter, but starting one week from today, we will be gathering for worship for Ash Wednesday and then Lent. We will be lighting candles and saying prayers, and singing about light that comes in the darkness, and we will be doing something more than that, we will be sitting together in the dark.
I hope you all know that if you are struggling or hurting, or lonely, that we at Grace are here for you. Our Circle of Grace team is setting up visits to people, working on providing food and more, and we on the staff are here to visit and pray as well. However, we don’t know if you are currently sitting in the dark, but if you are, please know God is with you, and also reach out, because you don’t need to sit alone.
Pastor Joanna