When I was in middle school I went to a young author’s conference. During that time one of the authors speaking asked us, as students, to think about what it meant for us to be writers. Some spoke of the adventure or being able to see yourself in a book but for me it was about connection and creation of hope. Through my writing I could connect with others in a way that no other form of communication could for me, my words were the bridges I needed to connect with those who had not found their place before. Here are my words again, inviting you to connect, to create, and like me, to hope.

Our Gift to Give | Bekah Hirt

I drink my water, I walk, and pray, but sometimes all these things can’t keep my thoughts at bay; 

In times of pain or a random night; feelings that were once calm turn to sadness and deep fright;

The waters wage as in drown in all my emotions, can’t keep my story straight in all this commotion;

I try to keep busy but my dates become slurred and weeks are just fragments, it’s all becoming a blur;

I think of ways that I can connect with myself, some days it’s easy others it’s my own personal hell;

I sink into these feelings where I’ve come to know; not knowing a way out but wanting to go homeYet with my pen or digital ink; my feelings are now clear and I have a space where I can think;

In darkness comes words and in art I cope, giving my heart and spirit a reason to hope;

This written expression that lives in my head; tells me that I have a purpose, stitched into life, my own personal thread;

For these letters smashed together can do more than we know, can be light for the lost, a remedy for an aching soul;

I write to share my story, a piece of myself; to be a bridge to others, a place of refuge, just as Jesus met those at the well;

The words of our Savior inspire my pen, to give words of encouragement and a chance to begin again;

So may you find refuge in others or your own art; these forms of expression are tattooed by our Creator on all of our hearts;